Aloha Luncheon | may 10, 2022 | Dominion Valley Clubhouse, haymarket
Jenn has REAL flowers in her hair. But the camomile can make her sleepy.
Jane Razeghi, President; Christine Sunda, 1st VP; Jerole Stambach, 2nd VP; Page Murray, Corresponding Secretary; Vernelle Boykin, Treasurer, & Debbie Hobson, Recording Secretary
Nancy Moats, Director, District 3; Jane Razeghi, President, HTCGC; Christine Sunda, First VP; Jerole Stambach, Second VP; Arlene Stewart, President NCAGC; Page Murray, Corresponding Secretary; Vernelle Boykin, Treasurer; Debbie Hobson, Recording Secretary; and Cherie Lejuene, Past President of NCAGC.
Kathy Hardgrove receives her ribbon for her contribution to Horticulture.
Ruth Johnston receives her ribbon in recognition of her work in Horticulture
Honoring long-time members who have given continuous support for our goals and objectives.
Congratulations Sally
Congratulations all!
This year’s prizes go to First Place, Pam; Second Place, Jenn Alcantara; Third Place, Christine Sunda